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Streamline Detailing Supplies

Detail Spray 5 Gallon

Detail Spray 5 Gallon

Regular price $75.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $75.99 USD
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 Final Detail Spray & Clay Lubricant

DETAIL SPRAY is an easy to use, safe, anti-static formulation. It removes finger marks, cleans and polishes paint, glass chrome, rubber and plastic. It also lifts abrasive dust particles while cleaning.

DIRECTIONS: Mist lightly on a cool surface. Wipe off immediately with a terry cloth towel.


DETAIL SPRAY es facil de usar, seguro, con fomulado antiestatica. Elimina las marcas de los dedos,limpia y pule la pintura, el vidrio cromado, el caucho y el plastico. Tambien levanta particulas de polvo abrasivo mientras limpia.

INSTRUCCIONES: Aplicar ligeramente  en una superficie fria, limpie inmediatamente con on pano terry.

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